In the year of our Lord 1851, this church was organized by Rev. Nathan Walker and a few persons of faith started the Antioch Rock Creek Baptist Church is located in Waynesboro, Georgia.
In the month of March this church was organized and given the name of Antioch Rock Creek Baptist Church; by Rev. Nathan Walker, who is the founder. Members of the organization were: Rev. Nathan Walker, Eddie Crumbly, Rev. L. B. Carter and others. He was a great man and leader.
Rev. Martin served two years.
Rev. Hickman served three years.
Rev. Wilkerson ordained six ministers: Stephen Brown, G. W. Corner, Stephen Baker, Thomas Martin, Herald Wright and S. P. Corner.
Rev. Corner baptized 1800 candidates; ordain (35) deacons and (20) ministers. The following churches were established from the church under the administration of Rev. G. W. Corner. Thomas Hills, Ebenezer, Second Antioch, Peel Grove, Forest Hills, Thomas Grove, Phillip Grove, Catesville, Roberson Grove, Bynes Grove, First Baptist, Pine Hill and Beech Wood. Rev. G. W. Corner served the church 46 years.
Rev. W. M. Lovett during his time as pastor he added (181) souls to the church. On February 12, 1923 the church was destroyed by fire. A building was appointed, and the church was rebuilt. An usher board was organized; there were one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six members on roll. In July 1933 Rev. Lovett went home to be with the Lord.
Rev. James Jones was elected as pastor. During his time as pastor he added (18) souls to the church. After serving a short term, he went home to be with the Lord.
Rev. N. C. Corner was elected as pastor in October. During his time as pastor he added (193) souls to the church. On roll one thousand nine hundred active members. He ordained (3) minister and (29) deacons. He licensed Rev. George Gordon to preach the gospel. He organized the Jr. Choir, Jr. Usher Board, Junior Missionary and the Deacons Board. He purchased ten acres of land for the church, and for the society. Rev. N. C. Corner ruled that every 4th Sunday in January we would celebrate Homecoming Day. The fourth Sunday in October the Pastor’s Anniversary was celebrated. Rev. N. C. Corner went home to be with the Lord.
In October Rev. E. S. Singfield was elected as pastor. During his time as pastor he added (274) souls to the church, (39) restored back to the church and (95) by Christian experience. He ordained (13) deacons. He reorganized the Junior Usher Board, the Senior Usher Board and organized a Junior Deacons Board. The church was remodeled, baptism pool was installed, air condition installed. He organized the Junior Church and the number 3 choir. Installed was an iron railing in front of the church. Gas heaters installed. Sis. Beatrice Bryant was elected as secretary. Restroom was installed inside the church. After preaching for 28 years Rev. Singfield went home to be with the Lord. Rev. H. Robertson pastors the church for a short term. During his time he added (5) souls to the church.
In October, Rev. Thomas Walker was elected as pastor. New Central Heat and air condition units were installed. A microphone and speaker system was installed. Elected officers for the Missionary were, Sis. Gertrude Walker as President and he elected Sis. Sarah Harvey Secretary. The number two choirs installed a telephone in the church. A corner stone was placed on the church. Pastor study was remodeled. He added (52) souls to the church and (6) by Christian experience. In February 1984 Rev. Thomas Walker asked for his resignation. He was a great leader and teacher. The Lord sent us Rev. Clarence Brown to render service to the church. He served until April.
In June of 1984 the church elected Rev. Jessie L. Hill to pastor. The old cemetery was cleaned out, pulpit furniture was reupholstered. The ceiling was partially completed. He proposed and voted on the building of the Fellowship Hall. During his time as pastor he added (28) souls to the church and (2) by Christian experience. License one minister Hubert Robertson, ordain (1) deacon, Willie L. Royal. After preaching for 5 years Rev. Hill went home to be with the Lord on August 8, 1988.
On February 26, the church elected Rev. R. A. Lawrence Jr. as pastor. The church was renovated. On Second Sunday services were changed to regular service. He crowned the first Mrs. Antioch Rock Creek. A wheelchair ramp was installed at the front of the church. Fellowship Hall added to the church, installed two restroom, emergency lights installed inside the church and security lights installed on the outside of the church. Carpet was purchased and installed in the church. A wheelchair ramp was added to the Fellowship Hall. He bought scarves for the pulpit, prayer table and table in foyer. He installed curtains in Fellowship Hall. Ordain Rev. Bobby Williams Jr. and Rev. Audra Gordon to preach the gospel. Ordain (4) deacons Jimmy Lovett Jr., John Dykes, Woodrow Harvey Jr. and Nathan Lewis. During his time as pastor he added (3) souls to the church. Rev. R. A Lawrence Jr. gave the church his letter of resignation.
On June 27, Rev. David Kemp, Sr. was elected as pastor. November 29 Rev. Kemp Sr. was installed as pastor. Microphone system updated. Two microwaves and a freezer for the Fellowship Hall were purchased. The Youth Church was reorganized on June 27, 2001 under the leadership of Pastor Kemp. The first youth director was Deacon Jimmy Lovett Jr. In May he assigned James Dixon, Gary Winferry, John Warren, John Lovett and Willie McKelton as Trustees. He licensed Rev. Larry Gordon and Minister. Nakia Williams Jr. to preach the gospel. New widows were installed and a new sound system. Sis. Beatrice Bryant resigned after serving (35) years as the church secretary. Sis. Joise Richardson was elected as secretary. Sis. Josie Richardson the secretary went home to be with the Lord in November 2003. Sis. Thelma Sims was elected as secretary. Education Wing was built on the church. The dedication of the building was held the Second Sunday in November. He ordained (7) deacons Bro. Leon Bynes, Bro. Carl Lewis, Bro. John Lovett, Bro. Gary Winferry , Bro. James Dixon, Bro. David Skinner and Bro. Lucious Abrams. Sis. Jamika Harvey resigned as assistant secretary and Sis. Alberta Lovett was elected assistant secretary. He elected to the mother of the church Sis Laura Bell Sims and Sis. Bertha Winferry. On April 20, 2013 Chairman Deacon Jimmy Lovett Sr. was called from labor to reward, for (54) years he served faithful as the chairman of the deacon board. Deacon Dennis Jenkins was elected as Chairman and Deacon Jimmy Lovett Jr. as Assistant Chairman. Pastor Kemp has added (142) souls to the church, (86) by Christian experience and (4) reinstated back to the church. Pastor Kemp had a vision. So this year 2015 Pastor Kemp vision has come forth we are in the process of remodel the front entrance of the church, new roof, remodel the bathroom and a staple on the church.
The Antioch Rock Creek Missionary Baptist Church Family, thank God for Pastor Kemp, his family, and his dedication and his vision to this church, the people of God and this community.